Wednesday, 29 December 2010

You are What You Eat .The good weed

One of the vegetables that I am very fond of is seaweeds. I love it not only because of its taste but because of the many nutrients it can deliver to our body. Seaweeds have always been part of the staple diet of Asians who lived near the sea. To the seaside residents, it is one of their secrets to a long and healthy life. Even non-Asians do fall in love with seaweeds as these have become a distinct vegetable delicacy.
Seaweeds have good nutritional value, but different varieties offers different nutrients. See for your self what you can get from varied types of seaweeds:
• Dulse – a reddish brown seaweed that is high in sodium. This seaweed can be eaten with milk and water;
• Nori – commonly sold in flat sheets and is usually roasted and wrapped around pieces of sushi. This type of seaweed is rich vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E and K), minerals (iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine) and protein
• Wakame – this seaweed uniquely shows anti-obesity properties with its high amount of essential fatty acids called EPA.
Generalists speak so kindly about seaweeds saying they do does so much more for health than just delivering nutrients. According to them, seaweeds helps you with the following:
• Regulate activity of thyroid (with Iodine)
• Give satiety as a plant food and thus help control obesity
• Support bone health (with Vitamin C, K, and Magnesium)
• Aid in giving heart protection (with Potassium)
• Deliver immunity protection (with Vitamin A, C, E and Iron)
• Contribute to normal brain developments (in children – with Iron)
• With its phytoestrogen content called lignans, seaweeds are known to have anti-cancer properties
Although not scientifically-based, others testify that frequent consumption of seaweeds reduces menopause symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue. Now because we cannot belittle the many nutrients we can find in seaweeds, it would then be a good practice to regularly include seaweeds in any possible opportunity. Here are some recipes you can try:
Merry Seaweed Salad
2 pieces carrots sliced; 1 cup celery; 1 cup seaweeds, soaked for 2-3 minutes in water then sliced
Mixing Procedure:
Put water in pot and boil. When water boils, reduce temperature to low and add carrots (just blanch, until it is bright and still crisp). Remove carrots and put on plate to cool, just reserve the water. Bring back the water to boil and do the same with celery; drain carrots and celery, then mix together with seaweeds. Enjoy it naturally.
Deep Water Soup
3 pieces onions (chopped), 2 tablespoons olive oil, 6 pieces potatoes (cubed), 2 parsnips, 1 cup sliced canned shiitake mushrooms, 1 cup dried seaweeds, 12 cups of water.
Cooking Procedure:
Saute onions in oil until brown. Add all other ingredients and cook until vegetables are done. Adjust seasonings.

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Seaweed may halt swine flu spread

Seaweed may halt swine flu spread

Updated Thu May 6, 2010 12:41pm AEST
Tasmanian scientists have discovered a compound occuring naturally in seaweed which could help provide the key to beating swine flu.
The Japanese seaweed Undaria arrived in Tasmania in ballast water more than 20 years ago.
A compound in the seaweed acts as a natural defence against marine viruses and toxins.
Scientists at a private laboratory near Hobart are convinced it is just as effective on humans.
They have tested the compound against several viruses and say it profoundly inhibits the H1N1 virus.
Researcher Dr Helen Fitton says viruses use receptors to get into cells, but this process is stopped in the presence of the seaweed compound.
"The virus is unable to use its receptor to get into the cell," she said.
Marinova Laboratories CEO Paul Garrott says he is anticipating immediate commercial interest and expects the compound will be used in nasal sprays, hand washes and tablets.
"This whole class of fucoidan compounds have been shown to have very profound antiviral activities against a range of influenza strains, against a range of other viruses and coated viruses - we mentioned HIV, we mentioned the herpes simplex virus."

Thursday, 23 December 2010

no smoke with out fire

Two New Cancer Studies Point to Seaweed and Sunlight For Prevention

by Sara Novak, Columbia, SC  on 11.28.10
sunlight seaweed cancer prevention health photo
Photo: FearfulStills
Recent University of South Carolina (USC) studies have outlined two important tools in cancer prevention. The studies, which were carried out at USC's Arnold School of Health and the South Carolina Cancer Center, found that seaweed and sunlight both had a huge impact on cancer prevention, according to The State.
Prevention has been at the center of USC's recent cancer studies and seaweed and sunlight are getting some serious attention.
With regards to sunlight and Vitamin D:
Sixty percent of the African-American women in this study diagnosed with breast cancer had low levels of Vitamin D, while 15 percent of the white women did. And vitamin D levels were lowest among those with the most aggressive cancer.
Women in the U.S. are four times as likely to get breast cancer when compared to Japan, a country where seaweed is a regular part of their diet. This led to seaweed becoming the focus of another study.
According to the article:
Seaweeds are remarkably effective at preventing breast cancer in lab studies using cancer cells in test tubes and in studies of animals given seaweed along with a carcinogen. When [a leading researcher in the study Jane] Teas gave capsules of seaweed to healthy American women, she saw significant protective changes in hormones related to breast cancer.
And just like in Jeff Kart's recent article, I was thrilled to see some work on prevention. I wrote over on Planet Green about Christina Pirello and some of her recommendations for prevention like cutting alcohol intake to special occasions and avoiding processed foods and yo-yo dieting.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

i dont know where your going to get all this red seaweed?

university of illinois researchers develop yeast to convert red seaweed to biofuelRed is about to become the new green, if researchers from the University of Illinois are on the right track. They’ve developed a new super-efficient strain of yeast that can easily break down red seaweed into biofuel. The new development could help small island nations and other sea-bound regions grow biofuel crops without giving up scarce land resources that are needed to grow food. But it also opens up some challenges down the road as human use of the marine environment increases.

Biofuel from Red Seaweed

When it comes to extracting fuel from non-food biomass, seaweed has general advantages over land crops. The most obvious one is the relative absence of hard fibers that are difficult to break down into sugars. Marine biomass degrades much more easily than land crops, but there is still a catch. When red seaweed is broken down it yields both glucose andgalactose (a less “sweet” form of sugar), and until now it has been difficult to find an efficient fermentation process for galactose. The University of Illinois team identified three genes in a common microbe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, that can be pumped up to increase galactose fermentation by 250 percent.

Biofuels Beyond Red Seaweed

If the new process proves commercially viable, that might open up a can of worms for the marine environment. Our oceans can ill afford a new stress, as fisheries are already overstretched and coral reefs around the world (a canary in the coal mine in terms of marine health) are suffering. However, if it turns out that growing seaweed for biofuel on a mass scale is not viable, the new yeast process could still yield benefits, for example as a johnny-on-the-spot, cost effective means of remediating algae blooms and other potentially devastating episodes of seaweed overgrowth.

Monday, 20 December 2010

downloaded a map for my site and the british one dosnt have any islands on it .so i dont exist.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

uncle sam caches on quick

(NaturalNews) New research published in the journalPLoS ONEhas found that a red seaweed-based compound known as Carrageenan is an effective treatment against the common cold, viruses and even H1N1 influenza. The substance works by binding directly to viruses and preventing them from attaching to cells and spreading throughout the body.

Carrageenan is commonly used as a food thickening additive because of its gel-like texture. Though technically derived from natural seaweed, the substance is actually not all that healthy to consume. Studies have found that it can cause gastrointestinal upset, and in many cases, the additive creates a form of processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in food (

But when used as a nasal spray, Carrageenan forms a physical barrier between nasal tissue and foreign invaders, which effectively protects healthy cells from harmfulviruses. In fact, the recent study found that Carrageenan works just as well as the popular antiviral drug Tamiflu at preventingviral infections, except without all the harmful side effects.

"Influenza viruses still represent a substantial threat to publichealthon a global scale and with increasing viral resistance toTamiflu, the need for alternatives has never been greater," explained Dr. Andreas Grassauer, CEO and co-founder of Marinomed Biotechnologie, the company that funded the study. "This study confirms that iota-carrageenan can be used as an alternative to neuraminidase inhibitors and should be further tested for prevention andtreatmentof influenza A in clinical trials in humans."

Consuming plenty of superfoods and immune-boosting vitamins and minerals will do wonders to protect you fromthe flu. Vitamin D, for instance, is a powerful antiviral nutrient that works better than any vaccine or drug at preventing the flu ( And elderberry is another powerfulfoodmedicine that has been used for thousands of years to prevent viral infections (

Learn more:

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

why did this only get 30 seconds of air time on the BBC news

NASA Probe Sees Solar Wind Decline
NASA Probe Sees Solar Wind DeclineDecember 13, 2010: The 33-year odyssey of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached a distant point at the edge of our solar system where there is no outward motion of solar wind.
Now hurtling toward interstellar space some 17.4 billion kilometers (10.8 billion miles) from the sun, Voyager 1 has crossed into an area where the velocity of the hot ionized gas, or plasma, emanating directly outward from the sun has slowed to zero. Scientists suspect the solar wind has been turned sideways by the pressure from the interstellar wind in the region between stars.
The event is a major milestone in Voyager 1's passage through the heliosheath, the turbulent outer shell of the sun's sphere of influence, and the spacecraft's upcoming departure from our solar system."
The solar wind has turned the corner," said Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist based at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif. "Voyager 1 is getting close to interstellar space."
Our sun gives off a stream of charged particles that form a bubble known as the heliosphere around our solar system. The solar wind travels at supersonic speed until it crosses a shockwave called the termination shock. At this point, the solar wind dramatically slows down and heats up in the heliosheath.

Saturn Then and Now: 30 Years Since Voyager Visit
Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.
Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.
Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.Suzanne Dodd is the new project manager for NASA's Voyager spacecraft. She first worked on Voyager in 1984, sequencing science and engineering commands for Voyager 1 and 2 in 1984. A memento of those early years is a sheet of vellum that shows the timeline  of commands communicated to Voyager 2 during its closest approach to Neptune on Aug. 25, 1989.
November 11, 2010: Ed Stone, project scientist for NASA's Voyager mission, remembers the first time he saw the kinks in one of Saturn's narrowest rings. It was the day the Voyager 1 spacecraft made its closest approach to the giant ringed planet, 30 years ago. Scientists were gathering in front of television monitors and in one another's offices every day during this heady period to pore over the bewildering images and other data streaming down to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
Stone drew a crude sketch of this scalloped, multi-stranded ring, known as the F ring, in his notebook, but with no explanation next to it. The innumerable particles comprising the broad rings are in near-circular orbits about Saturn. So, it was a surprise to find that the F ring, discovered just a year before by NASA's Pioneer 11 spacecraft, had clumps and wayward kinks. What could have created such a pattern?
"It was clear Voyager was showing us something different at Saturn," said Stone, now based at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. "Over and over, the spacecraft revealed so many unexpected things that it often took days, months and even years to figure them out."

man thats some size colli

Seaweed key to 4kg cauli

Last updated 10:37 15/12/2010
Gypsy, left, and Shaun Gallot, with a monster cauliflower grown by their mum, Bonnie

Bonnie Gallot's family are certainly going to be well fed this week, and perhaps next week too, after the Inland Rd farmer harvested an enormous cauliflower from her vegetable patch.
The giant specimen, weighing in at just under four kilograms after being stripped of its leaves and stem, is just one of a number of gigantic vegetables in the Gallots' garden.
Bonnie has always been a keen gardener, but she usually sticks to flowers, leaving her husband to take care of the vege patch.
However since moving to the four-hectare property at the end of last year, she has been in charge of her first crop and has proved a natural, with broad beans, strawberries, onions, yams, pumpkins, sweetcorn and much more growing plentifully in her garden, not to mention the enormous leeks which she has left to go to seed so she can grow more of the same.
Her property also has a number of different fruit trees, and whilst tending to all the produce can be time-consuming, she wouldn't have it any other way.
She barely has to buy any fresh produce from the supermarket and her two children Gypsy, five, and Shaun, 10 have a healthy love for the home-grown stuff – in a word, "yum".
Even the neighbours must be glad to live near Bonnie, as she grows so much she can't possible get through it all herself, and regularly gives it away.
"Absolutely nothing goes to waste," she said.
"The cattle get the leaves and bits, and I preserve the peaches when I get too many."
But when she unearthed the whopping cauliflower, she put it in a wheelbarrow, and it filled the entire thing.
She sent a picture to her husband on her mobile phone, who insisted she call the Kaikoura Star to have it documented.
When asked what her secret to her giant veges is, she puts the success down to plain old seaweed.
"I get the compost from the tip, add some pea straw, then seaweed and that's it really."
Bonnie collects the seaweed from the beach, brings it home and washes it thoroughly so it doesn't smell of seaweed anymore, dries it out if possible, then mows over it with the lawnmower and adds it straight to the garden.
"I definitely think that seaweed is the key to it," she said. "I'm sure of it."
Food for thought for all you other green-fingered folk out there...

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

my seaweed up there with scotlands best

Does Scotland have Britain’s Best Dish?

By Admin | DEC 8, 2010
The 2011 edition of ‘Britain’s Best Dish‘ starts filming across the UK in February. The Britains Best Dish Team have asked us to help publicise their call for entries.
If you would like to promote a favourite dish – preferable with Scottish produce or reflecting Scottish food culture – send your details so they can invite you to an audition near you.
Although the focus is often on regular home cooks, this is a huge platform for any restaurant or chef. It would be good to see some exciting Scottish dishes on their shortlist.
Register your details by phone for the next series of Britain’s Best Dish call the production team on 09011 22 33 11. Lines close at 17:00 on Friday 4th March 2011.


By Admin | DEC 8, 2010
ScotHot is the annual showcase for Scotland’s hospitality and catering industries. With the effects of recession, changes in consumer  trends … and the recent weather problems, this promises to be a forum for some hot topics and heated discussion.
ScotHot 2011 is being held from 28th February to 2nd March at the SECCC in Glasgow. This is an opportunity to see a full range of hospitality products and services under one roof and have face-to-face contact with the suppliers. A range of events are being planned including
  • ScotHot Young Hotelier of the Year
  • ScotHot Young Restaurateur of the Year
  • The 28th Scottish Culinary Championships
This is a chance for Scottish restaurants and hotels to view the latest trends and gather culinary tips at the many seminar sessions.  SCOTHOT SCOTLAND 2011

Let’s Celebrate with Snowballs … and Tunnocks Teacakes

By Admin | NOV 27, 2010
In 1890 Thomas Tunnock paid £80 for a shop in Uddingston, Lanarkshire. Initially producing general bakery products, the Tunnocks firm created a range of biscuit confectionary including the famous Tunnocks Teacake in the 1950′s that were to become favourites in Scotland and in 36 countries around the world. This year marks the 120th anniversary of Tunnocks.
tunnocks snowballs scotlandTunnocks TeacakesTunnocks Snowballsand Tunnock’s Caramel Wafers form part of many Scots’ childhood memories. A visit to relatives, Sunday afternoon teas and packed lunches or picnics were never quite complete without the addition of at least one Tunnock’s product. These childhood favourites continue their popularity on into adult life which probably explains why more than 10 million biscuits are produced at the factory each week with many exported to countries such as Kuwait, Japan, Canada and the Caribbean.Continue Reading >>

Andrew Fairlie celebrates St Andrew’s with Scottish Lamb

By Admin | NOV 26, 2010
Scotch Lamb for St Andrews DayTwo-Michelin star chef Andrew Fairliehas launched a special St Andrew’s Dayfamily menu to celebrate Scotland’s national day.
A real champion for Scottish produce, Andrew’s menu aims to encourage the whole nation to cook up a feast on 30 November with the best local and seasonal ingredients, using Scotch Lamb as the centrepiece.
Scots are encouraged to celebrate St Andrew’s Day with a three-course meal including the warming winter fish soup Cullen Skink, a succulent Roast Shoulder of Lamb with potatoes and onions followed by a spiced winter fruit served with creamed vanilla rice pudding.
St Andrew’s Day is the feast day of Saint Andrew celebrated in Scotland on 30th November. Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, and St. Andrew’s Day is Scotland’s official national day. In 2006, St Andrew’s Day was designated as an official bank holiday by the Scottish Parliament.
Rated amongst the best in the world, Scotch Lamb is currently at its peak of seasonality. Easy to cook at home, Andrew Fairlie’s menu is the perfect way to enjoy Scotch Lamb and all that’s great about Scotland on St Andrew’s Day.

Scotland has a good chance of Winning … Pies!

By Admin | NOV 25, 2010
SCOTLAND is definitely in with a good chance to finally win a world championship this month.
78 of the 80 entrants in the 2010 World Scotch Pie Championships hailed from Scotland. On 16th November, pie makers, butchers and bakers mainly from Scotland’s north and north-east were flocking, together with their pies, to Dunfermline this morning as judging begins in the World Scotch Pie Championship.
scotch pies at scotch pie championshipsA record 390 products including Scotch pies, sausage rolls and bridies were entered for the 2010 Scotch Pie competition. The food  is judged in four categories and this year 24 judges were involved. Each pie was sampled by pie experts and master bakers and marked on appearance, taste and taste.
Last year Forres butchers Murdoch Brothers were crowned World Champion Scotch Pie Makers for 2010
The awards will be announced on 6th January 2011 … mouth watering stuff!

64 year old sells for $460,000 – Macallan Single Malt Whisky

By Admin | NOV 22, 2010
64 year old Macallan Scotch Malt WhiskyA 64-year-old Macallan single-malt whisky contained in a unique Lalique crystal decanter sold at auction in New York on 15th November at Sotheby’s for a record-breaking $460,000.
This sale represents the most unique collaboration to date between The Macallan and Lalique, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting “Charity: water”, an organization that provides access to clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations.
Macallan described the whisky that sold Monday as the oldest and rarest it had ever released since the famous whisky company was found in Scotland in 1824.
The Lalique crystal decanter was made using a technique called “cire perdue” or “lost wax” method. Stored in Spanish sherry casks since World War II and left to age for over six years, the extravagant concoction had a diminished alcohol level of 42.5% ­ just above the cut-off level for scotch classification.
For those of us unable to afford or savour such a rare whisky I have it on authority that the ‘nose’ was one of peat smoke, dried orange peal, muscovado sugar and cedar wood mix with spicy cinnamon sticks and cloves and it tastes spicy, peaty with hints of blood oranges, rosin, treacle and walnuts, and chocolate.
Maybe I’ll add a 64-year-old Macallan single-malt whisky to my christmas list!

Top chef represent UK at Bocuse d’Or with Scotch Lamb

By Admin | NOV 20, 2010
Scotch Lamb will be a main ingredient in a competition taking place in Lyon, France in January 2011. Scottish seafood will also feature on the menu. Simon Hulstone is the UK finalist in the Bocuse d’Or, an international contest set up by culinary legend Paul Bocuse in 1987 to celebrate the individual talent of young chefs.
Andrew Fairlie and Scotch LambEarlier this month, as part of his preparation for the competition Simon, came north to meet Scots farmers and chefs with a passion for Scotch Lamb. Accompanied by Jordan Bailey who will assist him at the competition, Simon visited Stirlingshire farmer Andrew Morton, who runs a 1450-head flock of top quality Scottish sheep and lamb over around 1000 acres with his parents, Andrew and Jean, atLochendarm, near Denny.
During his visit north of the Border Simon met with Scotland’s only two Michelin-star chef, Andrew Fairlie at The Gleneagles Hotel, Auchterarder who is a real champion for Scottish Lamb.
Andrew Fairlie described Bocuse d’Or as “Very challenging, demanding and a real test of the creativity of competing chefs. If anyone in the UK can win Bocuse d’Or it is Simon  he is the best competition chef in the country at the moment.”

November Newsletter from

By Admin | NOV 10, 2010
November News from Taste-of-Scotland
November sees the start of more awards for Scottish restaurants and food producers as well as some innovative products and some controversial dishes from Scotland’s culinary heritage. Look out for our Scottish Hamper Competition later this month – details appearing on our Taste of Scotland blog in the next couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Sunday Times Lists Kitchin #10 Top British Restaurant

By Admin | NOV 7, 2010
Congratulation to Tom Kitchen and the Kitchin Restaurant forSunday TImes Foodie List securing a place in the Top Ten British Restaurants as featured in the Sunday Times Food List.
Restaurant Martin Wishart (15th), Andrew Fairlie (18th) and seven other Scottish Restaurants were also listed. We were pleased to see Kitchin’s cuisine being listed as ‘Scottish’ – two other restaurants also promoting themselves as service ‘Scottish cuisine were The Three Chimneys (30th) and Wedgwood. As well as the aforementioned Scotland’s Foodie Destinations included Number One (Balmoral), 21212 Restaurant, Gamba, David Bann and Mother India.

Killiecrankie Wins a César!

Killiecrankie House Hotel has been awarded a coveted Cesar by The Good Hotel Guide for Scottish Hotel of the Year 2011.  The Cesar is given to only 10 hotels in Britain each year and, known as the Oscar of hotel-keeping, is undoubtedly the accolade most hotels want to win.  Henrietta Ferguson, director at Killicrankie, is quoted as saying: “We are so proud of our achievement. We want to shout it from the rooftops!”Continue Reading >>

From Estate to Plate – Roxburghe Foodie Experience

By Admin | NOV 5, 2010
The Roxburghe Estate which includes the Roxburghe Hotel and Golf Course is enticing visitors to visit and explore the delights of their restaurants as well as the treasures of Floors Castle through an innovative web development.
Food provenance is a hot topic for discussion as diners, producers and consumers debate the benefits of buying and eating local produce and reducing their food miles. The distinctiveness of so many olive oils, spices, fruits and specialist regional foods from around the globe will ensure international food trading for many year come. But being able to trace the origins of your food from source to table is an important factor for consumers who prefer to ‘eat local’ if similar indigenous products are available. Many restaurants including the Roxburghe hotel restaurant menus now list the provenance of their meat and fish and we are encouraged to look for UK supermarkets clearly mark their
Roxburghe Estate Food Provenance
The Roxburghe Estate, perhaps the largest in Scotland, is the source of much of the food used in the Castle and at the Roxburghe Hotel.
From lamb to game, from fish to local cheese and diary products – the new web site from Roxburghe Estate entitled ‘From Estate to Plate‘ is a new entry into this niche of food provenance.

Scottish Seaweed – Superfood from Scotland’s Isle of Bute

By Admin | OCT 30, 2010
Seaweed is one of the top superfoods yet remains a secret to many of us. Full of vitamin A, B, B12, C, E, K, iron and iodine it is now being farmed and marketed by a Scottish company  – Just Seaweed – based on the Isle of Bute.
seaweedSeaweed tastes fantastic”. That was the message of Iain McKellar, owner of Just Seaweed, when I met him at his busy exhibition stand at the recent BBC Good Food Show in Glasgow. Iain and his team hand cut fresh Scottish seaweed off the Isle of Bute
“Cooking with seaweed is just like cooking with anything else. You can boil, steam, bake or fry it. Dried seaweeds can be used straight from the packet or rehydrated in fresh cold water for 15 minutes, rinsed then cooked as normal.”
To ensure their freshness, purity and nutritional value seaweed needs to be harvested from pristine seas free from pollutants. The waters off the Isle of Bute are perfect and  dulse, channel wrack, sea grass, sea lettuce, atlantic kelp and sugar kelp arejust a few of the varieties now available from Just Seaweed.
Humans have been eating seaweed for millennia. Living close to the shore early settlers on Scotland’s islands and west coast supplemented their shellfish and seafood diets with some of the local seaweeds. Japanese culture has developed seaweed cuisine to gourmet level and these flavours and textures that characterise Japanese food is making seaweed increasingly popular as a food in the west.
If the idea of eating seaweed doesn’t appeal then don’t worry. Pop it in your bath and enjoy a beneficial Thalassotherapy bath. Seaweed baths have great health benefits. Throw a few handfuls of bladderwrack or knotted kelp wrack in a bath of hot water and you are on your way to improving blood circulation, helping to release toxins, rejuvenating, toning and moisturising your skin.
Pass the loofa Janet!